Thursday, August 19, 2010

Good Blue Card Against Green Mtg

The chat in the world of tomorrow

Today virtual reality is no longer just a fantasy of some writer or director but is a viable alternative to the everyday world. Suffice it to say that there are online games where you use a helmet and gloves that make you go completely in the virtual world.

For chat however is a different matter because a true virtual reality exists only with the microphone and webcam. Logically normal chat, or instant messages are not a virtual reality but are just a kind of telegrams instant.

Imagine instead a kind of electronic gadget which carries the entire body shape in a virtual world where you can then, as well as talk, and interact with objects, sounds, sensations, images and more.

We can call the Chat 3.0. But one thing is really possible? And if so, would not lead people to only have a virtual life ignoring the real one?

For posterity will judge.


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